
Eqlab recognizes the importance of accurate and reliable laboratory data when used for regulatory compliance and the development of treatment process alternatives. To provide such data, the laboratory maintains a computer assisted quality assurance program. The program’s main objective is to monitor the scientific accuracy of sampling and analytical procedures to insure repeatability and accuracy. The major provisions of the program are:


Analytical Procedures

EPA approved methods are mostly used in the analysis of environmental samples. Other methods like Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and United States Pharmacopeia (USP) are used depending on the sample application and client needs.



Data Management System

Eqlab has developed a unique Laboratory Information Management System with the assistance of StarLIMS, Inc. It is used to schedule the sampling efforts, control logging, generation and management of data, scheduling laboratory work, monitoring work progress, reporting results, statistical analyses and invoicing.



Quality Control Samples

Eqlab performs duplicate and spikes samples on 10 and 5 percent of the samples received respectively. Additional specific sampling and analytical QC samples such as trip blanks, field blanks, equipment blanks, matrix spike and matrix spike duplicates are also performed.


As a Certified Laboratory for Drinking Water Analysis by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico one set of unknown samples are analyzed once per year and as a Certified Laboratory for Drinking Water, Non Potable Water and Solids analysis by the State of Florida two sets of unknown samples are analyzed twice per year. As part of our regular internal program, we analyze quarterly external unknown samples.




We have been audited by regulatory agencies like EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), FDA (Food and Drugs Administration), EQB (Environmental Quality Board), PRASA (Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority), PREPA (Puerto Rico Energy Power Authority) and many of our current clients.

Tel: (787) 288-6420 | Fax: (787) 288-6465 | E-Mail:

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